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A Semester of World History

With A Killer Teacher

Garret Dean

About Me

Hi! My name is Garret Dean, and welcome to my portfolio! I am originally from Charlotte, NC, where I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by a community of caring educators who inspired me down the path of higher learning. I emplore you to check out my curriculum page, where you can find some examples of how I'd love to run a class.

Philosophy of Teaching

I believe that one of the greatest determinators for a future-forward society is its quality of education. The job of facilitating High Schoolers as they navigate into new avenues of young adulthood requires both academic and spiritual support from educators. I am dedicated to providing students with carreer and professional development opportunities and building self-confidence through student-led learning. I hope that by encouraging critical thought throughout my curriculum I can inspire students to make connections from our learning into the present so that they may better understand the current state of the world and the legacy of opposition against tyrany in all forms. Arming students with the ability to research on their own also gives them the tools to combat misinformation and ignorance in their daily lives. 

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